Positive Productivity

Master Your Energy and Optimize Your Time

Learn to enhance your productivity, improve time management, reduce your stress, and manage work overload. In this session, you will learn how to prioritize urgent and important tasks, learn task-management and motivation strategies, and understand the importance of self-care and allowing yourself breaks. Participants will walk away with information and strategies they can apply immediately including eliminating distractions, identifying time wasters, handling interruptions, email management best practices, and how to alternate between performance zone and the recovery zone (while avoiding the survival zone and the burnout zone). Discussions include how we allocate our mental, emotional, and physical energy throughout the day.

More To Explore

Positive Mindset

Positive Mindset

Techniques for Cultivating a Resilient Mindset

Your mindset has the power to transform the way you see the world, view failure, and build resilience. In this session, you will learn practical activities to build optimism, reduce stress, and become more mindful. Participants will walk away with information and strategies they can apply immediately including happy habits...

Beating Burnout

Strategies for Recharging and Reclaiming Balance

Today we are all feeling the stress and pressure of the ‘always on’ work culture. How well do you balance demands and resources? When we are constantly feeling overwhelmed, it is emotionally, physically, and mentally draining and can lead to exhaustion, stress, and burnout. This interactive workshop is designed for...

Agile Leader

Leadership Strategies to Embrace Flexibility and Cultivate Success

Learn how to embrace flexibility, cultivate high performing teams, and inspire transformation. In this session, you will discover your dominant communication style and more importantly, learn how to flex your style to achieve better results and create stronger working relationships. Participants will identify key agile leader activities, pinpoint cognitive distortions...

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